Monday 13 April 2020

Lyndhurst Through the Beer Glass Pt2 - The White Rabbit

"Curiouser and curiouser".....

...cried Alice (she was so much surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English).  Alice In Wonderland - Lewis Carroll.

Certainly you could be forgiven for thinking that I’d fallen down a rabbit hole since the part 1 and I now need to emphasise that this is strictly pre-coronavirus material (by about 6 months!)

Anyway I’ll try to write good English, but keep it brief in the form of photos and captions..

It  was quite curious that, as we continued our tour around Lyndhurst, we came to The White Rabbit, not, presumably an entirely coincidental name for a pub in Lyndhurst, but definitely white...with a bit of grey.

This rambling Chef and Brewer chain hotel-dining-pub was certainly playing on the Alice credentials...

...and thoughtfully even had ‘rabbit water’ on cask...though there was no sign of any rabbits (white or any other colour) refreshing themselves while we were there...

We decided to sit outside rather than in, but there was nothing curious or magical about the pub interior.  It was pleasant enough, but just a fairly standard dining pub layout....

In the end the only curious thing we came across was...the robin...which joined us for lunch in the beer garden and helped itself to chip leftovers.

Salt and vinegar...?

"But what beer did you have?' I hear you cry.  I was too busy taking photos of Lyndhurst tropical quarter to get a photo of the beer and I can’t remember... so let’s say it was Ringwood Best... 


  1. Ha ha! A bit like waiting all that time at the start of the 90's for a second Stone Roses album. Although I enjoyed your pics and words about the White Rabbit more than listening to 'Second Coming'.

    I love the presumption that it was probably Ringwood Best!
